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👉I don't approve of how the J6ers ended the day -- only how they started out, peacefully saying what they had to.

However, I listened to a podcast done after it went down where Power of Prophecy was interviewing a Trumper who was there that day on the congressional grounds who said that she saw Antifa & BLM bussed in. They were the ones who radicalized only x-amt of Trumpers -- there were far too many there that day, & only so many were radicalized by Antifa & BLM. They were caught on independent video 📹 breaching thelocked doors 🚪 of one of the congressional chambers first before any Trumpers.

You have to realize that the mainstream media are Left/Liberal-biased, & pro-establishment, & as such will only look at things from that point-of-view, no mater what the case really is. They meant to frame the J6ers unjustly for the "insurrection" by getting there too late to properly show you who was responsible for what, & all who were involved relative to everyone else, in other words. The Leftists afterwards even laughed at being allowed to get off scot-free. There was a message they wanted to send, which was don't be a Patriot or you're thru. This govt is infiltrated & in league with this Illuminati power elite, you must understand that.

Don't be mislead.

What really should've happened in the AMERICAN INTELLIGENTSIA should've got intel on where these American branch, traitorous Illuminati power elite live & have the REAL, OLD-SCHOOL, PATRIOT MILITIA take them out.

If that happened that way that day we wouldn't have them embarrass themselves to the world when they're pretty clueless, tho well-meaning. We also wouldn't be inevitably losing the republic bc the ever more rest of the clueless American vpter electorate voted for the wrong ppl -- which is anybody establishment which they control. Harris was their preferred candidate, but Trump has proven himself to be "controlled opposition".

He has been caught in his first administration signing like secret societies always do to communicate membership -- he used the devil's horns 🤘. He also handed over our national sovereignty to the UN at that time as well. That is an act of "treason", a "high crime" "punishable by death", according to the Constitution.

Conversely, we had 2 well-known 3rd parties & the Independents well-represented on the ballot 🗳, so when ppl didn’t want to vote establishment they didn't have to. Those ppl who did vote that way -- me included -- voted for, by & of the ppl -- not for the establishment that works for the Illuminati power elite, trained in their NWO ways by Klaus Schwab's WEF, including the Capitalist class that also owns the politicians, as research says we now live in an oligarchy too, on top of that.

If ppl weren't going to do what they said & not vote establishment they should've stayed home like many Christians said they would, instead of hurt the country's chances.

We also had 30 new 3rd parties -- not just the ones that made ballot access, sweeping the board I mentioned. We had 1,414 presidential candidates too, many of whom were either women or of entirely different races -- more reflective of the voting populace.

This was all to be found on Ballotpedia under " registered list" , so they'd be write-ins. Americans could've changed the course of history if they were political enough to be well- connected bc they leveraged the vote like they knew what it was for, not having a herd mentality. You're supposed to vote for your candidate, not worry about who you think is going to win & voting that way. That's the only way we could stay free.

Those two are violent & Marxist orgs funded by Illuminati power elite point man here to take America down -- billionaire banker from South America George Soros. He has literally said he "...hates America".

They are the confirmed Satanists here to fulfill Revelation prophecy, & they are doing that quite well & on-schedule.

They have always existed here & abroad for the purpose of overturning duly elected democratic govts so that they can rule with an iron fist a consolidated empire -- & they will produce the Anti-Christ.

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